Spiegel προς Α.Μέρκελ: "Άγκελα άλλαξε στάση απέναντι στην Ελλάδα - Διαλύεις
την ευρωζώνη"
Σκληρή κριτική ασκεί πλέον μερίδα των γερμανικών ΜΜΕ που έχουν
συνειδητοποιήσει ότι η Γερμανίδα καγκελάριος Α.Μέρκελ με την αδιάλλακτη
στάση της απέναντι ...
FIFA 14 Trailer Capturing Gareth Bale's Technique
Unknown | 12:05 AM |
FIFA 14 Trailer Capturing Gareth Bale's Technique
EASports has released the trailer for its upcoming FIFA 14 featuring Gareth Bale's free-kick techniques and likeness being captured for the game.
Bale was also filmed performing a series of athletic drills,
passes and shots to capture his likeness and to showcase features such
as FIFA 14's Pure Shot, which allows for new and rewarding ways to
Bale has been chosen to be the new face of the popular video game from EA Sports alongside Lionel Messi, which reflects his growing stature.
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